Friday, April 30, 2010

Don't let this picture fool you. Parker had fun for about the first two rides and then he was done. Not sure if it was the rides or Con. Connor pulls the handle back and forth so it is a jerky ride, I don't think he quit understood how to work it. After awhile Parker started to cry, and it was like that on the rest of the rides. I put a lot of pictures on this time cause I wanted to see how many I could get on one post and I liked all of them. I have 3 goals this year. First is to run the Layton Half Marathon, second is to carry my big camera around, and third is to go on Wicked with Owen. I am a chicken when it comes to rides. He wanted to go so bad and Mat and I turned him down. I am going to try to do it before Mat so he can look like the chicken longer.

I thought that the train would be lame like the one at the Zoo. I liked it, wish I could have heard a lion roar but cool to see them up close .


  1. I will make sure to have my camera ready for the day you ride Wicked! Owen is fine, but he will hold you to your promise, I swear that kid doesn't forget anything.

  2. Thanks for the invite to visit your Blog. I had sensed from other's comments and traces that this site existed and I felt bad. You have a beautiful family and I love you all very much. Thanks again for taking such good care of our boys, all three of them. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. What a good little poster you are! Cute Cute pictures!
