Saturday, December 26, 2015

We thought it would be fun to walk through Christmas Village in Ogden. It would have been more fun if it wasn't the coldest night of the year. We bought some hot chocolate to warm us up but it was so gross I just held it so my hands would be warm.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas morning has come and gone. Connor wanted a Nerf gun for the longest time, half way through the year he said he wanted a Peyton Manning jersey.  Parker wanted a skate board and a New England jersey.Afton was happy with her stuff animals. So Christmas was a success.

We have breakfast at Grandma and Grandpa Jamieson. And we invited Grandma Stahle for Breakfast while Grandpa is at Avalon. After breakfast Stacie had a little game for the kids to play. Grandma and Grandpa Jamieson gave the grand-kids a gift certificate to go to the Dart side.

Before Grandma Burton passed away she had these t-shirts made for the grand kids for Christmas. Each  one has a number signifying their birth order from 1 to 18. I couldn't find Afton's shoes fast enough so Owen came to the rescue and let her use his.  Erika gave the boys light house tie tacks and the girls received Grandma Burton's willow tree dolls.  Colin gave the us an ornament with a picture of him and Susan with an engraving.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

It has been showing for a while so we packed up and went sledding at  Kaysville Jr. high.

Monday, November 23, 2015

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Burton tonight. Connor and Grandpa were watching nascar and Parker and I were putting a floor puzzle together. Afton was walking from one thing to the next, she ended at the piano.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A few weeks ago we found out that Parker had a lose tooth.  He asked if we could tie some string around it and attache the string to  a door and slam the door so it will pop out, just like on America's funniest Videos. After convincing him his tooth needed to be a bit looser he let the idea go. When the home teachers came he told them about this tooth. We joked about tying it to aunt Stacie's rc truck and having it pulled out that way. Again he had to tell him it needed to be looser. He had finally had enough of his tooth and wanted to try the sting again. I tried while he was standing put couldn't get the string around his tooth, had him lie down and I pulled and he came out.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The boys were up playing at Delaine's house when we got a phone call asking if they could go to the Sky Haven trampoline park. A little while later we got another phone call saying Connor has a gash on his head and they think it might need stitches. So James drives over and I get another phone call telling me they are headed over to wee care. Then the  text messages with pictures start to come. He was numbed up and got 3 staples put in.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Uncle Wayne and Aunt Carrie were kind enough to let us use their U of U tickets for the Halloween game. It was a lot of fun to be in the stadium, and to be able to watch a game.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

We have been vary busy lately with flag football. Games Monday through Thursdays any time from 5:30 to 7:30. We were lucky and only had two games at the same time. The boys had great coaches and learned a lot.  Connor's team made it to the plays offs. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Afton has been my little helper when it come to dishes.  Not sure if she enjoys the bubbles more or just splashing in the water.

Monday, August 17, 2015

I have been waiting for this day since the last day of school. Connor is starting 4th grade. He is so excited that he is up stairs and gets to sit on the big chairs. He isn't excited that his cluster is the last to go to recess and last for lunch. Parker hasn't said much expect that one of his friend form kindergarten is in his class.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

We had the opportunity to spend the weekend at Mike's parents cabin in Fairview.  There was lots of four wheeler rides, playing in the dirt, games and food.  

 The first night was not a good night. We went to be about 11 and around 12:30 Afton started to have a night terror. She didn't calm down until 2:30. She kept pointing towards the door. So went out and she tried on helmets and swept the floors. We took a selfie or two what else are you supposed to do at 3:30 in the morning. After I had enough of sweeping we went back in our room and turned the lights off playing a game on the phone and eventually dosed off.  

 We did a little service project for Tuttle's for letting us stay at the cabin. It took 3 trips to get enough bark to put under the ha-mack but the kids together to get the job done fast and back to riding.

 The kids were getting restless so I told them we were going on a hike. It didn't last long but we had a little adventure before going home.

 As we were cleaning up to go home Grandma brought out the rest of the ice cream to eat.