Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yeah!! I have had a paint sample on my west wall for what feels like months. I told Raider that I thought that since it is Conference weekend we should do a project. Well Conference came and went and we didn't do it. He woke up on Monday and started to tape.


After. I know what you guys are thinking its so dark but this picture was taken before we put up our new light fixture in this kitchen. There wont be pictures on it for awhile I want to take new family pictures and then I have to make a decision on how to hang them. I HATE DECISIONS.

It seems like I am obsessed with videos. But they are fun. We bought Connor the movie Sandlot. And we watch it more than George! It is funny to watch him hit and try to catch the ball. He puts the mitt up in the air like the character Smalls and waits for the ball to land in it. And of course gets upset when it doesn't. He'll spit on the ball before he pitches and also tries to pull his knee like a pitcher would. Con like to take his mitt places. He wore his mitt all over Walmart, goes to bed with it and of course has it when watching the movie.


  1. I love the wall color! I almost came over today to look at it, but had to get home for the bus. And my boys watch that movie ALL the time. Con will have to come over and watch it with them sometime.

  2. I want to come over and see it in person. I bet it looks great!
