Friday, July 31, 2009

Did anyone see Go toward the Light? It is a movie about a boy who is dying of Aids. There is a part in movie when the mom is talking to her son about dieing and how you can only take your memories with you. It has been along time since I have seen it so I might not get it exactly right. But she tells him that her hart can take pictures of special memories. I find my self thinking of that line when moments like this happen. Con is interacting more with Park these days, it is fun to watch. Parker got this book at his 6 month check up.


  1. Yes I saw that movie and I cried and cried. And that line (her heart takes pictures) goes through my mind almost daily.

  2. So cute! I love it when I capture those moments when my kids are looking out for each other. It makes all of the craziness worth it! It was good to see you guys yesterday.
