Connor love to ride his bike and one night on our walk he hit something and bent his training wheel. When we got home Raider took it off and started the process of riding with out the training wheels. Raider thought it would be a safer landing if he tried riding to the grass. When he pedaled a little then fall we would cheer then he would jump back up and try it again. As he got better he would jump off and give someone a hug grab his back and go again. One he got the hang of it we tried the sidewalk same process he would ride so far and hope off and give someone a hug. This time he ran to hug Parker. Connor told Parker what he had just done and Parker said "HUH" so Connor told him again Parker said "Oh yeah" and smiled. My pictures got mixed up and so the one of them hugging should have been next to go along with my story. I am not sure when Connor figured out that he could scale the walls but he sure get a kick out of it. I guess watching all of the Spider Man cartoons have finally paid off.
Connor is now a Kindergartner. He doesn't say much about school just that they do lots of things. He told me one day that I have little wiggle arms like Mrs. Moon. He doesn't like walking to school he said it's do hard. So I either push him in the stroller or he rides in the bike trailer.
We went to a splash pad with the cousins. Livia and Owen had a great time being the photographers for us.
A big moment for me. We were invited to up to the trailer, but Raider had to work. I was going back and forth of what to do. I am a chicken when it come to driving new places. I said what the heck the boys like it up there I'll just follow someone. I was good till it came time to turn off asphalt and on dirt roads. I knew the car could do it,but Raider has been the one driving avoiding the ruts. I always remember them being bigger and the trees overgrown. I made it and the boys got to ride 4 wheelers and throw rocks get dirty.
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