Sunday, December 26, 2010

I told Raider earlier this week that I was ready for Christmas to be over. Well now that it is over and the tree is down I am sad it's over. Connor and Parker usually come into our room in the morning. Well on Christmas we woke up to Connor saying Christmas as the light went on. We told him he had to wait till Parker was up as Raider rounded the couch he saw Parker on his car trying to make it go. I thought that Connor would like the X box and want to play it like he does the Wii. Well he doesn't all he wants is his Wii.


  1. You all ready have your tree down! No wonder you want it to start all over again!

  2. Hi there, thanks for your visit. I am so glad you came by to say hi, it looks like you have a fun family and are doing many good things together all the time. Come say hi any time :D
