Saturday, May 15, 2010

Every time Connor goes out the play he just wants to dig in the dirt and look for worms. This was Friday morning before the thunderstorm. I don't mind a good storm but not when it shakes the house.
Parker tried to get a drink.

We have taking Con out on his bike around the neighbour hood before on the bike. I thought it would be nice to go to the trail so I wouldn't have to worry about cars. I have wanted to run on this trail but I keep telling Carrie that it is kind of creepy, and it is but we survived. While we were down there I kept thinking how fun would this be do a family bike ride or a nice stroll anyone interested.
We went to the bridge and back. I am the worst at estimating distance (ask Carrie) so I'll just say it was far.


  1. Ya, I was trying to host a 1st grade party in that thunder storm. We got most of it done, before we had to move into the gym. Where is that trail at? I want a bike so bad, and then we would love to join you on a ride!

  2. I love the picture of Packer trying to get a drink! What a good little mother!

  3. I love the picture of Parker. I hope I feel better soon so we can go with you guys to Lagoon. Cute pics of the boys as always!
