Saturday, September 15, 2012

Raider's Grandma passed away. At the viewing to keep the kids from running around and being disruptive the parents brought all the electronic device they could find. After awhile of trying out everyone's games Connor came up to me and asked me to dance. When I got dizzy Lucy asked if she could dance. I don't know where Connor learned about dancing.

 I have said it dozens of times but I love family dinners. Grace and Lulu took the kids to the park, and took pictures. Parker was in Heaven when they got to run around the baseball field. They enjoy being with family as much as I do.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Parker has been excited for this day for since before Connor started 1st grade. He only wanted to go because he knew that he would be able to wear his baseball shirts. He got some great advice form Connor  about being nice to friends and to be nice to his teachers. He waited patiently as the parents signed the kids in. When the teacher said it was time to follower her, he looked back gave a small wave then turned and walked in.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I enjoy  family dinners. There is something about great food and kids running around and fun conversations. I am so grateful for my mom she put so much in to these family dinner and each month I look forward to them. We love you Grandma J.

 This weekend we had two great rain storms, and that means that Lake Fiesta has come out. I remember going and playing in it when i was younger and I thought what it would be fun for the boys to experience.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

To celebrate labor day we got together and a family breakfast. We tried to see the hot air balloons again and again they have let us down. We have been to late and they have all ready taken off or they didn't tell the rest of the world they were not going to be starting at ponds park like they were supposed to be. We still had a great time with family. Connors top tooth has been loose for a bit and has been driving me insane.  So with lots of screams and tears Grandpa J helped Connor pull it out.