Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We went to the Living Aquarium today. It was crowed but the boys didn't seem to mind. We wanted to see the otters playing but they just wanted to be in the corner and sleep. At least the penguins were a bit more active.

Friday, January 13, 2012

We went to Erika's houses for New Year's Eve. The weather was nice so we were able to play out side. We had scooter race's, four wheeler rides, basket ball games and just dance.

Joel and Dianne come up the week after Christmas. Like most family gathering we have great food and yummy treat's. No real plans just flying by the seat of our pants one night at Krissy next Carries then Erika's.

Christmas Morning is getting better we don't have to help the boys open the presents as much. All Connor could talk about is a blue robot and all I wanted to get him was a camera so he would break mine.

We had dinner at Carrie's house. As per tradition we had yummy soup and rolls. Once all the kids were gathered together for a picture, we tortured them by taking a few more as soon as we said fine your done thanks they were out the door.