I was so excited to get the bandanna's from Erika that I wanted to leave the family party right then to get started on the blanket. Does that tell everyone how
obsessed I have become with sewing these days.

I didn't want to bleach to ruin this shirt, so I put it with the dark's. Didn't think twice about the 16 dark blue bandanna's that I was washing with. Again obsessed with sewing! And when I pulled out all I could do is laugh and roll my eyes. And then put it in the wash with the as much bleach as the washer could hold. And it still has the blue. Good thing I got it on sale.

Our fence has been slightly broken for a while know. Every time the wind blows we wonder if the fence will blow over. Today it finally happened. James said he will try and fix it before we leave to Tocqueville.