Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
We have not been doing much lately not sure why. Although we did do some shopping with the tax return. Most of it was already spent by the windows. We went up to Park City. I never find those deals that everyone else gets where they come out of a store with like four bags just chucked full. I thought these were cute, is it to early for St. Patties day stuff?
We bought a washer and dryer set about three months before we were married for 400 dollars. That was 8 years ago, they still work just not as good. I would have loved to have a washer and dryer like the Hampton's so I could just throw everything in one load. I'll settle for 3 loads instead of 6.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
On Thursday night our friends texts me at 9 o'clock asking if we wanted to ride the train to Salt Lake Temple. Of course my brain has shut off by know and I didn't understand anything so after a couple of text back and forth they called me. The Front Runner was free so they wanted to ride down and walk around the Temple. The Front Runner committee wants people to come out and experience the train. Wouldn't you think if they want people to enjoy it they would put out more cars? No they only had the 3 cars. I love been crammed in a small place with a bunch of people I don't know and having their obnoxious kids jumping all around me. Other than that we had a good time out with friends.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Well friends and family here you go another update on the bathroom. Sorry they aren't the best pictures. Just a few more pieces to cut of tile and then the trim around the door. I wish that we hadn't spent our tax return because now I want to redo the upstairs bathroom! May be I can work my charm and get Raider to do it anyway.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My brother Mat is one of the goalies for the Guns and Hoses game. The tickets you buy for the game are also good for the Grizz game that night. I didn't go to his game because I like my naps and plus Raider was working. I went over to moms and let the cousins entrain Connor for a while. I took over the Wii fit to let Derek and Brody try it. They kid of struggled so Connor stepped in to show them how its done. While Connor was showing off his skills Brody looked at me and asked " Dose he just do this all day?" I looked at him and shook my head and said yes.
The girls didn't care about playing with the boys. They were having a sleep over. But the boys came and crashed the party. Ya got to love family party's!

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